NDM7784 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 22/09/2021 | For debate on 29/09/2021

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Welcomes the positive economic impact of the removal of the Severn crossing tolls.

2. Regrets Welsh Government proposals which could lead to charges for motorists using the M4, A470, the A55 and other trunk roads.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) rule out the introduction of tolls and road pricing on Welsh roads;

b) promote greener transport through action such as:

i) increasing the provision of electric charging points on the Welsh road network;

ii) the further promotion of active travel; and

iii) the extension of free bus passes to those aged 16 to 25.


NDM7784 - 1 | Tabled on 24/09/2021

Delete points 1 and 2.

NDM7784 - 2 | Tabled on 24/09/2021

Delete point 3(a) and replace with:

‘Improve public and greener transport infrastructure before considering the introduction of tolls and road pricing on Welsh roads’.

NDM7784 - 3 | Tabled on 24/09/2021

Add as new sub-points at the end of point 3(b): 

seeking full devolution, with adequate funding, for all rail services in Wales;

tasking Transport for Wales with creating an all-Wales rail network, connecting the north with the south and enabling rail traffic between the major centres of population;

combining rail with a regulated bus service to ensure a public transport option is provided for all parts of Wales, including small towns and villages that currently have only sporadic public transport facilities;

giving local authorities the power to establish their own municipal bus companies;

setting out a national target that 10 per cent of all trips are done via cycling or scootering by 2030;

explore proposals for electric-only highways and tunnels in areas of high air pollution and congestion.

NDM7784 - 4 | Tabled on 24/09/2021

Delete all and replace with:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Recognises that we are in a climate emergency and notes that 17 per cent of Wales’s emissions come from transport.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) follow the advice of the UK Climate Change Committee to reduce the number of car journeys made and to encourage people to shift transport modes to public transport and active travel;

b) follow the advice of the UK Climate Change Committee to decarbonise vehicles and invest and co-ordinate the charging infrastructure to enable people to transition to electric vehicles and bikes with confidence.