NDM7779 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 15/09/2021 | For debate on 22/09/2021

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that just over half of red ambulance calls met the Welsh Government’s target of eight minutes in July 2021.

2. Further notes the immense pressure the Welsh Ambulance Service is under with increasing transfer-of-care times of up to 18 hours.

3. Recognises the hard work and dedication of Welsh Ambulance Service staff in such challenging circumstances.

4. Acknowledges the pressures in social and primary care and the knock-on effects on the ambulance service.

5. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) declare an emergency in the Welsh Ambulance Service.

b) bring forward a comprehensive plan to improve ambulance response times, including action to:

i) ensure an adequate social care workforce; 

ii) improve access to face-to-face primary care appointments; and

iii) increase hospital bed capacity.   

c) set out a clear plan and timetable for raising the wage of care workers across Wales.

d) consider engaging the support of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to assist with increasing ambulance response capacity.

e) redouble efforts for the rapid recruitment of paramedics.


NDM7779 - 1 | Tabled on 17/09/2021

Delete all and replace with:

To propose that the Senedd:

1.  Notes that in the context of record levels of demand, just over half of red ambulance calls met the Welsh Government’s target in July 2021

2. Further notes the immense pressure on all health and care services in Wales including the Welsh Ambulance Service and the range of national and local challenges that impact patient flow

3. Recognises the hard work and dedication of Welsh Ambulance Service staff and all health and care service staff in such challenging circumstances

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) ensure the actions identified in the Emergency Ambulance Service Committee delivery plan are delivered with pace and purpose;

b) support a range of initiatives to drive recruitment and retention within the social care sector and provide support to social care employers;

c) improve access to face-to-face primary care appointments where clinically appropriate;

d) deliver on its Programme for Government commitment to pay care workers the real living wage;

e) continue engagement with Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to assist with increasing ambulance response capacity; and

f) redouble efforts for the rapid recruitment of ambulance clinicians.



NDM7779 - 2 | Tabled on 17/09/2021

Add as new sub-points at end of point 5:

Genuinely integrate health and care services nationally

Train and recruit 6,000 additional staff into the NHS, including doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals