NNDM7742 - Member Debates
Tabled on 23/06/2021To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes that:
a) an annual holiday is a major factor in preventing death from any cause other than old age;
b) a holiday enables people to get away from the stresses of daily life, re-set work-life balance, spend quality time with loved ones and provides a space to reflect on future hopes and dreams;
c) the sacrifices made over the last 16 months make a holiday even more important for people’s recovery from COVID-19;
d) charges for much holiday accommodation has increased significantly in light of increasing demand for taking a holiday in Wales.
2. Welcomes, in light of the Welsh Government's advice not to take a holiday abroad this summer, the ongoing support for the school holiday enrichment programme (SHEP) as part of the reset-and-recover programme for young people.
3. Calls on the Welsh Government to outline what action has been taken to:
a) identify the most recent pre-COVID data available on the proportion of Welsh households who never took an annual holiday;
b) increase the provision of temporary holiday accommodation at campsites, B&Bs and hostels in Wales this summer;
c) expand the availability and accessibility of buses and trains for people to be able to visit places outside their own community this summer;
d) increase community, voluntary and public sector provision of holiday activities at home to ensure everyone gets the chance to re-set and recover well-being over the summer months in a COVID-safe environment.