NNDM7720 - Debate on Members’ Legislative Proposal

Tabled on 16/06/2021

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes a proposal for a Welsh hearts Bill to improve the outcomes for people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.

2. Notes that the purpose of the Bill would be to place a duty on:

a) Welsh Ministers to publish a strategy to improve the outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and to develop pathways for survival for the whole country;

b) local authorities to plan to ensure sufficient access to community defibrillators in each part of their area;

c) Welsh Ministers to ensure that training in CPR is provided for people throughout Wales;

d) health boards to collaborate in the production of regional pathway of survival for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests; and

e) Welsh Ministers to report to the Senedd on the progress of their strategy against objectives every year.