NDM7598 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 17/02/2021 | For debate on 24/02/2021

To propose that the Senedd:

Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure that the unallocated fiscal resource in the draft 2021-22 budget is used in the final budget for 2021-22 to expand free school meal eligibility criteria to include all children in families in receipt of universal credit or equivalent benefit and any child in a family with no recourse to public funds.


NDM7598 - 1 | Tabled on 19/02/2021

Delete all and replace with:

1. Believes that it is unacceptable in a modern society that children still go hungry and that we will continue to step-up all our efforts in the provision of free school meals to stamp out the scourge of poverty and hunger.

2. Welcomes that the Welsh Government:

a) provided over £50 million of additional funding to ensure the continued provision of free school meals during the pandemic and was the first government in the UK to provide provision during school holidays;

b) provided additional funding to ensure that children who are self-isolating or shielding continue to receive free school meal provision when they are not able to attend school;

c) provides funding of £19.50 per week to free school meal-eligible families, which is the most generous provision in the UK;

d) ensured that Wales remains the only country in the UK to have a universal free breakfasts in primary schools scheme;

e) has been recognised by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) for being successful in ensuring families eligible for free school meals during the pandemic had “access to timely and appropriate support”;

f) is committed to a rapid review of all available resource and policy options including the income threshold for receiving free school meals based on the Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC) data.

Education Policy Institute