NDM7456 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 03/11/2020 | For debate on 11/11/2020

To propose that the Senedd:  

1. Notes that today is Armistice Day.

2. Remembers and honours all those who have lost their lives and made sacrifices in the service of our country, including civilian casualties of conflict.

3. Thanks all those organisations across Wales working to support the Armed Forces community and our veterans.

4. Expresses gratitude for the significant contribution made by the Armed Forces to the national COVID-19 response in Wales. 

5. Acknowledges the significant ongoing contribution that the military makes to Wales.

6. Calls upon the Welsh Government to continue to engage with stakeholders as it seeks to uphold the Armed Forces Covenant.

Armed Forces Covenant


NDM7456 - 1 | Tabled on 06/11/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to bring forward a No Soldier Left Behind Bill that would guarantee quality housing and healthcare to veterans who have seen active service.

NDM7456 - 2 | Tabled on 06/11/2020

Add as new points at end of motion:

Supports the need to strive for peaceful resolutions to all conflicts and for an end to war.

Believes that at a time of unprecedented national and global challenges Wales must play its role in shaping a peaceful future and therefore welcomes the establishment of Academi Heddwch Cymru.