NDM7387 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 16/09/2020 | For debate on 23/09/2020

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes the importance of higher and further education to Wales and its economy.

2. Believes that students deserve value for money in return for the investment they make in their higher and further education.

3. Regrets the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students in Wales and the interruption to courses.

4. Welcomes the additional financial resources provided to Welsh colleges and universities to support them through the pandemic.

5. Notes that there has been no reduction in fees paid by students to reflect the adverse impact of the pandemic on their studies.

6. Calls upon the Welsh Government to:

a) work with colleges and universities to ensure that fees reflect the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their courses;

b) ensure that students take the opportunity to access learning either in person or, in the event of unavoidable COVID-19 restrictions, through more live streaming;

c) address the concerns of students, employers, and further and higher education providers in relation to a narrowing of the syllabus of some courses which contribute towards entry requirements for colleges and universities.


NDM7387 - 1 | Tabled on 17/09/2020

Delete point 4 and renumber accordingly.


NDM7387 - 2 | Tabled on 17/09/2020

Delete sub-point 6(a) and replace with:

ensure that the higher education sector has sufficient resources to enable institutions to continue to maintain standards and to continue to widen access;

NDM7387 - 3 | Tabled on 17/09/2020

Insert as new sub-point 6(b) and renumber accordingly:

work with the further education and work-based learning sectors to ensure that they are adequately and sustainably resourced to provide the best possible learning opportunities, especially to disadvantaged learners, at this challenging time;

NDM7387 - 4 | Tabled on 18/09/2020

Delete points 5 and 6 and replace with:

Welcomes the efforts of students, colleges and universities to continue operating safely and effectively in challenging circumstances over the coming term, and thanks them for their efforts.

Notes the extensive work by colleges and universities to maintain opportunities to access learning either in person or, in the event of unavoidable COVID-19 restrictions, through online tuition, assessment, and support.

Notes the guidance issued by Welsh Government to support higher and further education providers to prepare for the new term and open campuses safely. 

Guidance for safe operation in post-16 learning from September 2020

Guidance for higher education: Keep Wales Safe (COVID-19)