NDM7355 - Government Debate

Tabled on 08/07/2020 | For debate on 15/07/2020

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Welcomes the report of the Taskforce chaired by Phil Jones setting out recommendations on how to change the default speed limit for restricted roads in Wales to 20mph.

2. Notes the international research which demonstrates the road safety benefits, including a reduction in child deaths, of reducing default speed limits to 20mph.

3. Recognises the Welsh Government roll out of 20mph pilot projects, as precursor to a default 20 mph speed limit across Wales, and the future community benefits this will bring.

4. Supports the Welsh Government’s intention to commence consultation on the proposed making of an order by statutory instrument (which will require approval by a resolution of the Senedd) reducing the general speed limit for restricted roads to 20 mph.

The Taskforce’s Report was emailed to Members on 8 July 2020.


NDM7355 - 1 | Tabled on 10/07/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to set out its proposals as part of the consultation to ensure that enforcement agencies have the appropriate resources to respond to the proposed order.