NDM7229 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 08/01/2020 | For debate on 15/01/2020

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the increase in reports of rape in England and Wales.

2. Expresses sympathy and solidarity with survivors of rape and sexual abuse.

3. Regrets the continued failure of many criminal justice systems across the world to offer support to survivors, and regrets that it remains the case that too often survivors are not believed and are forced to relive horrific experiences through insensitive court processes, and cultures within police forces that don’t believe victims.

4. Notes that prosecutions for rape and convictions in England and Wales are at their lowest levels in a decade, and that improving conviction rates is a crucial part of a rape prevention strategy.

5. Notes that the Thomas Commission has argued that only full legislative devolution combined with executive powers will overcome the obstacles of the current devolution settlement when it comes to addressing the lack of justice and accountability of the status quo.

6. Calls for sexual assault support and services to be available and well-funded, and for courts to be adapted so that victims feel protected, not intimidated when giving evidence.

7. Calls for the devolution of justice so that we can address these low convictions rates through adopting international best practice on increasing conviction rates and prevention of abuse and rape.

Commission on Justice in Wales Report - October 2019


NDM7229 - 1 | Tabled on 09/01/2020

Delete points 5 and 7.

NDM7229 - 2 | Tabled on 09/01/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes the Thomas Commission’s report and thanks the Commission for their work on the possible devolution of justice while looking forward to the promised debate in government time on the Commission’s findings and any impact these will have on increasing conviction rates as well as preventing abuse and rape.

NDM7229 - 3 | Tabled on 10/01/2020

Delete points 5 and 7. 

NDM7229 - 4 | Tabled on 10/01/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes that the HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate Rape Inspection 2019 report found that both the number of cases referred to the CPS for a decision by the Police and the number of cases prosecuted by the CPS fell, despite reports of rape to the police nearly doubling.

HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate - Rape Inspection 2019 - December 2019

NDM7229 - 5 | Tabled on 10/01/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes the UK Government’s statement that the findings are “deeply concerning” and that “they were committed to restoring confidence in the justice system and providing better support for victims”.

HMCPSI report on rape conviction rates - 17 December 2019