NDM6750 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 20/06/2018 | For debate on 27/06/2018

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the report, 'The Potential of Hydrogen in the Decarbonisation of Transport in Wales', which was published by Simon Thomas AM.

2. Notes the Welsh Government's stated intention to build on existing skills and expertise to lead in the UK in hydrogen research and development and investment.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to hold discussions with businesses, researchers and bodies about holding a key event to convey Wales's ambition in relation to the hydrogen economy to a worldwide audience and to trigger the development of a comprehensive hydrogen economy strategy.

The Potential of Hydrogen in the Decarbonisation of Transport in Wales



NDM6750 - 1 | Tabled on 22/06/2018

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government and the UK Government to ensure that any forms of alternative energy that they explore meet the tests of affordability, which include not placing an excessive burden on taxpayers.

NDM6750 - 2 | Tabled on 22/06/2018

In point 1, after ‘Simon Thomas AM’, insert: 

‘, and further notes: 

a) the potential of hydrogen as an alternative form of fuel;

b) the importance of hydrogen fuel to the diversification of our energy portfolio;

c) the important distinction between green and brown hydrogen fuel;

d) that green hydrogen fuel is only viable as a by-product of surplus electricity generation, and therefore its limitations should be recognised; and

e) that improvements to Wales’s grid infrastructure are required by the Welsh Government in order to ensure that both electricity and hydrogen can be utilised as green alternatives to fossil fuels.’

NDM6750 - 3 | Tabled on 22/06/2018

Delete points 2 and 3 and replace with:

Notes the Welsh Government’s commitment through the new Economic Action Plan to decarbonise traditional models of business, public services and infrastructure in Wales and shift towards a low-carbon future in a way that can support our economy to diversify and grow.

Notes the Welsh Government’s work to decarbonise the Welsh transport network, including the recent commitment to a 25 per cent reduction in emissions across the Wales and Borders rail network by 2023.

Notes that work to decarbonise the Welsh transport system must be broad based, with the need for creative research and development in alternative infrastructure solutions and across a range of innovative fuels and traction systems, including hydrogen.

Prosperity for All: economic action plan