NDM6606 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 29/11/2017 | For debate on 06/12/2017

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Believes that the six-week application time for universal credit claimants will cause hardship during the Christmas period.

2. Reaffirms that the universal credit system is fundamentally flawed.

3. Calls on the UK Government to take mitigating steps to speed up universal credit payments, and avoid sanctions, over the Christmas period.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to seek the same administrative responsibility over social security as the Scottish Government.



NDM6606 - 1 | Tabled on 30/11/2017

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To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes that the principle behind universal credit is widely supported, providing the right support for jobseekers, and of course putting proper care in place for people who cannot work.

2. Welcomes the wide-ranging package announced in the UK Government’s budget to address concerns around the transition to universal credit.

NDM6606 - 2 | Tabled on 30/11/2017

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Recognises that were the Welsh Government to take on administrative responsibility for social security without substantial additional funding from the UK, this would simply impose new financial burdens on the Welsh Government while raising unfulfillable expectations that the Welsh Government could afford to make more generous provision for claimants.