NDM6506 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 13/09/2017 | For debate on 20/09/2017

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Calls on the Welsh Government to oppose the construction of a super prison in Port Talbot;

2. Further calls on the Welsh Government:

a) not to sell or release any Welsh Government land for the purpose of construction of the proposed super prison;

b) to develop the local economy through supporting businesses in the industrial park; and

c) to make representations to the UK Government in support of alternatives to large prisons.



NDM6506 - 1 | Tabled on 15/09/2017

Delete all and replace with:

1.  Welcomes the UK Government’s £1.3 billion investment to modernise and upgrade the prison estate across Wales and England, creating hundreds of modern prison places and replacing old and overcrowded establishments with new, fit-for-purpose buildings.

2. Recognises the Welsh Government’s role in promoting and earmarking the proposed site at Port Talbot for a new super prison in south Wales.

3.  Calls on the Welsh Government to conduct a full and thorough consultation with local residents and businesses on the likely impact of developing a new prison in Port Talbot.

4. Believes a full exploration of alternative sites should be undertaken by the Welsh Government with a proposed list made public.