NNDM6273 - Debate on Members’ Legislative Proposal

Tabled on 23/03/2017 | For debate on 23/03/2017

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes a proposal for a Bill for all taxi and private vehicle hire (PVH) drivers to undertake disability equality training as a condition of obtaining their licence.

2. The purpose of this Bill would be to:

a) help ensure that taxi and PVH drivers comply with the Equality Act 2010 which makes it clear that taxi and PVH drivers must carry a disabled person's assistance dog and allow it to remain with that person and not make any additional charge for doing so;

b) ensure that disabled people who are unable to drive or use public transport are not discriminated against when trying to carry out everyday activities; and

c) minimise any new burden on licensed drivers, including:

i) not requiring them to undertake training until the next renewal of their licenses; and

ii) making training exempt for drivers who have already undertaken disability equality training to a sufficient standard and those who cannot complete training for medical reasons.

'Equality Act 2010'