NDM6053 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 22/06/2016 | For debate on 22/06/2016

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Believes that:

(a) the principles of open government should be maintained in all areas of the Welsh Government's responsibilities;

(b) the Ministerial Code should be laid before and approved by the National Assembly for Wales; and that

(c) an independent adjudicator should be appointed to report publicly on any alleged breaches of the Code.

'Welsh Government Ministerial Code – May 2016'


NDM6053-1 | Tabled on 24/06/2016

Add as new point at end of motion:

Believes that openness and transparency in the decision-making process would be enhanced by ensuring key appointments, including that of the Children's Commissioner, Future Generations Commissioner, Older People's Commissioner and Welsh Language Commissioner, are made by the National Assembly for Wales, rather than the Welsh Government.

NDM6053-2 | Tabled on 24/06/2016

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to formally respond to the concerns raised in the manifesto of the Cabinet Secretary for Education's party that Welsh Ministers have been able to breach the Ministerial Code with impunity.

NDM6053-3 | Tabled on 24/06/2016

Delete sub-points (b) and (c) and replace with new point:

Notes a commitment by the First Minister to explore ways to strengthen the Ministerial Code and the way it operates.