NDM6302 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 03/05/2017 | For debate on 03/05/2017

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes that Wales and the United Kingdom require strong and stable leadership to continue the country's economic prosperity.

2. Regrets the First Minister's public endorsement of a proposal to borrow an extra £500 billion which would endanger the future of the Welsh economy.

3. Recognises the need for policies to be fully-costed to ensure Wales and the UK's economic progress is not put at risk.


NDM6302-1 | Tabled on 05/05/2017

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1. Notes that Wales and its economy will best be served by a UK Government that commits to investing fairly and sustainably in all parts of the country.

2. Regrets that as a result of current UK Government spending plans the Welsh Government's revenue budget will be £1bn lower in real terms at the end of this decade than at the start and capital budgets will have been reduced by £200m.

3. Regrets the UK Government plans to cut an additional £3.5bn from its budget which could reduce Wales' funding by a further £175m in 2019-20.

4. Notes the record of the Welsh Government in driving economic growth, with almost 150,000 jobs supported in the last Assembly term.

5. Welcomes the Welsh Government's £7bn, four-year capital investment plans to support public infrastructure.

6. Notes the Welsh Government's ambitious programme for government which sets out costed plans for:

a) an additional £100m of investment in Welsh schools;

b) a minimum of 100,000 all age apprenticeships;

c) a small business tax cut;

d) an £80m treatment fund;

e) a doubling of the residential care capital limit;

f) 30 hours of free childcare for working parents of three and four year olds, 48 weeks of the year.

Programme for Government

NDM6302-2 | Tabled on 05/05/2017

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1. Recognises the need to defend Wales from the prospect of a reckless Conservative UK Government.

2. Believes that neither the Welsh or UK Governments can be relied upon to defend Wales, to promote the Welsh national interest, or to fulfil the nation's economic potential.