NDM6215 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 18/01/2017 | For debate on 18/01/2017

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the international trend to evaluate cities on liveability, green and sustainability criteria.

2. Believes that cities and urban areas are a key driver for economic resilience and prosperity.

3. Commends the value of the following objectives and strategies to promote urban renewal and regeneration:

a) access to clean, open space;

b) availability of affordable housing;

c) effective traffic management and the provision of high quality public transport;

d) the development of active transport routes, including the re-designation on some existing routes for cycling and walking;

e) high standards of air quality;

f) investment in the design quality of public and landmark buildings;

g) the involvement of citizens in plans to improve amenities, both on a city-wide and neighbourhood basis; and

h) the centrality of the city-region concept to the regeneration of hinterlands, such as the South Wales Valleys.


NDM6215-1 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes the proposals of the Welsh Government contained in Taking Wales Forward to develop a stronger and fairer economy and recognises the importance of measures to develop sustainable regional economies that serve every community across Wales.

'Taking Wales Forward