NDM6214 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 18/01/2017 | For debate on 18/01/2017

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises that the majority of patients their first, and sometimes only, contact with the NHS is through general practice.

2. Regrets that, despite this, general practice receives less than eight per cent of the health budget.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to prioritise general practice with significant investment in resources, people and infrastructure.


NDM6214-1 | Tabled on 19/01/2017

Add as new point at end of motion:

Recognises the importance that allied health care professionals play in ensuring that primary care is effectively delivered.

NDM6214-2 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Delete point 1 and replace with:

Recognises that the majority of patients have chronic conditions that are best managed in the community, and this requires strong primary care with general practice at the centre.

NDM6214-3 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Insert as new point after point 2 and renumber accordingly:

Notes that social care budgets have faced significant financial pressures, and regrets that social care's role in contributing towards primary care health services has been neglected.

NDM6214-4 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Insert as new point after point 2 and renumber accordingly:

Regrets that there has been a decline in the number of GPs in recent years; notes that a strong primary care service will require significantly more GPs working alongside other health professionals; believes that other health professionals should complement and add to the service provided by GPs, and should not be used to replace them.

NDM6214-5 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Insert as new point after point 2 and renumber accordingly:

Notes that many GPs have chosen to come to work in Wales from outside the UK, and that they may choose to leave if the continuing hostility towards migrant workers continues.

NDM6214-6 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Delete point 3 and replace with:

Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure primary care, secondary care, and social care work together to help patients manage their conditions in the community, with a focus on prevention of hospital admissions; and recognises that this will require proper long term workforce planning, investments in infrastructure, and wider government policies to promote good health.

NDM6214-7 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to publish regular performance data for primary care, with performance indicators and targets established in collaboration with health professionals.

NDM6214-8 | Tabled on 20/01/2017

Delete all after Point 1 and replace with:

Recognises the extent to which Welsh Government continues to invest in primary care services across Wales and the ongoing commitment to work in partnership with GPs and other primary care professionals to improve care for people across Wales.