NDM6208 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 11/01/2017 | For debate on 11/01/2017

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Calls on the First Minister – in the absence of any intervention by the UK Government – to meet with the interim Chair of Tata Steel to improve the terms of the deal offered by the company's UK division for steelworkers in Wales; and that such an amended proposal should consist of binding, written commitments on employment, investment and the protection of accrued pension rights.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to work with the UK Government, Unions and interested parties to prepare an alternative strategy in the event of the current proposal being rejected by the Welsh steel workforce.


NDM6208-1 | Tabled on 13/01/2017

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To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises the vital strategic importance of the steel industry to Wales and its economy.

2. Welcomes the significant support made available by the Welsh Government to keep steel production and steel jobs at all the TATA sites in Wales.

3. Notes the recent negotiations between trade unions and TATA on pensions and recognises that any changes to the pensions scheme are a decision for the workers through a democratic ballot and should be free of political interference. 

4. Urges TATA to explain clearly and in full detail to workers impacted the implications of the agreement that has been reached.

5. Notes that the First Minister has led discussions with senior TATA management over recent months to ensure workers' rights are protected and will continue those discussions in the coming weeks.

6. Recognises that the Welsh Government will continue to do everything in its power to protect workers, their jobs and ensure a sustainable steel industry in Wales.

NDM6208-2 | Tabled on 13/01/2017

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To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Agrees with workers and unions from Tata's Port Talbot steel plant that politicians should not be trying to influence workers over the proposed deal to keep the plant open.

2. Believes it is vital that workers are given the time and the necessary information to arrive at an informed choice about the proposals.

NDM6208-3 | Tabled on 13/01/2017

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To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the First Minister's comments on the deal offered to Tata Steel workers and its impact on the long-term future of the steel industry in Wales.

2. Recognises the UK Government's role in supporting the steel industry through the introduction of new public procurement rules and increased support with energy costs, saving the industry £400 million by the end of the current UK Parliament.

3. Acknowledges that this is the only proposal currently available to the Tata Steel workforce and calls on the Welsh Government to be prepared to work with the UK Government, Unions and interested parties to develop an alternative strategy in the event of the current proposal being rejected.