NDM6140 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 09/11/2016 | For debate on 09/11/2016

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises the important and valuable contribution made to Welsh society by older people.

2. Believes that older people deserve dignity and respect, as well as independence and the freedom to make decisions about their own lives.

3. Regrets the Welsh Government's failure to provide security for older people by setting a cap on costs and protecting £100,000 of assets for those in residential care ensuring people do not lose their life savings and homes to care costs.

4. Notes the findings from a dementia report produced by the Older People's Commissioner for Wales that highlighted the difficulties those with dementia have in accessing the information, support, and services that can make a big difference to their lives.

5. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) Introduce an Older People's Rights Bill, to extend and promote the rights of older people;

b) Place a duty on public sector bodies to consult older people when making decisions which affect their lives; and

c) Make Wales the first dementia-friendly nation in the UK.

'Dementia Report'


NDM6140-1 | Tabled on 11/11/2016

Delete point 3 and replace with:

Notes the Welsh Government's commitment to increase the capital limit to £50,000, which will enable more people in Wales to keep more of their assets when entering residential care.

NDM6140-2 | Tabled on 11/11/2016

Add as new point after point 3 and renumber accordingly:

Regrets the ongoing delays by the UK Government to the reform of the arrangements for paying for care.

NDM6140-3 | Tabled on 11/11/2016

Delete point 5 and replace with:

Notes that:

a) the Older People's Commissioner for Wales has suggested an Older People's Rights Bill for Wales;

b) the Welsh Government supports the principles of a Bill;

c) the Welsh Government will take further action to make Wales a dementia friendly country through developing and implementing a new national dementia plan.

NDM6140-4 | Tabled on 11/11/2016

Delete sub-point 5a), and replace with:

'supports the work of the Older People's Commissioner for Wales in working towards extending and promoting the rights of older people;'

NDM6140-5 | Tabled on 11/11/2016

Delete sub-point 5b) and replace with:

'supports the Older People's Commissioner for Wales in ensuring the voices of older people are heard in relation to the planning of public services;'

NDM6140-6 | Tabled on 11/11/2016

Add as new sub-point at end of point 5:

'build more supported housing to broaden choice and compliment residential and institutional care.'

NDM6140-7 | Tabled on 11/11/2016

Add as new sub-point at end of point 5:

'work with police and crime commissioners and local authorities to protect older people from scams, mis-selling and other forms of financial exploitation.'