NDM6127 - Government Debate

Tabled on 25/10/2016 | For debate on 25/10/2016

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the Equality and Human Rights Commission Wales Annual Review 2015-16, 'Towards a Fairer Wales'.

Equality and Human Rights Commission Wales Annual Review 2015-16 "Towards a Fairer Wales"


NDM6127-1 | Tabled on 27/10/2016

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Calls upon the Welsh Government to work with Trade Unions and the Equality and Human Rights Commission to better promote the rights of young expectant and new mothers at work.

NDM6127-2 | Tabled on 27/10/2016

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Notes the establishment of a gender identity clinic for Wales achieved by Plaid Cymru in negotiations on the 2017-18 budget.

NDM6127-3 | Tabled on 27/10/2016

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Notes the seven key challenges that need to be addressed in Wales over the next five years, as identified by the Commission, and that it will require the substantial efforts of public, private and third-sector organisations and of individuals to reduce these challenges.

NDM6127-4 | Tabled on 27/10/2016

Add as new point at end of motion:

Welcomes recognition by the Commission of the need to empower and engage with the voluntary and community sector.