NDM6122 - Member Debates

Tabled on 13/10/2016 | For debate on 13/10/2016

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Welcomes the State of Nature Wales 2016 Report

2. Commends the work of the conservation and research organisations who have produced the report

3. Is concerned by the findings which state that:

a) 56% of species studied have declined across the UK over the last 50 years

b) In Wales, one in 14 species is heading for extinction

c) 57% of wild plants, 60% of butterflies and 40% of birds are in decline

d) More than one third of (known) marine vertebrate and plant life has diminished, with three quarters of marine invertebrates declining across the UK.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government and public bodies to ensure that reversing the decline in our biodiversity is at the heart of sustainable management policies.

'State of Nature Wales 2016 Report'